Love (part 3)

1 John 4:18 (NRVSE) "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love."

You're invited to go out for dinner with your coworkers. They're your coworkers, associates, and not actually your friends. You regularly don't be yourself around them; you be your professional self. Thus you're hesitant to spend your free time with them because you're afraid they will not accept the true you. The invalid emotion of anger that you feel, as if they're pestering you to join them, does not remove your fear. You don't want to be hurt anymore. You decide not to prejudge them, knowing what it's like to be prejudged, and you accept their invitation, making yourself vulnerable and reasonably afraid. After the dinner you realize that you truly had a good time. It felt good. You were not pressured to reveal anything about yourself that would make you uncomfortable. Everyone in the group simply enjoyed each other's company in a new setting. You're willing to do it again.

Is this love?


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