In God We Trust

In this we have a choice.

I say we take God out of the box and focus on all the scripture verses that say God is greater than anything we can imagine or understand God to be. Yes, God created evil. God knew it was going to be made and allowed it. God is responsible for evil as much as good. God's plan cannot be changed by us, regardless of any free will we may have, because God is greater. If we believe God is greater than anything and everything, including our own free will, then we can trust in God and be at peace in our lives. We know that God's love for us is always greater, despite how unfair life is. We use our faith and trust in God for us to move on. God can handle our anger and hatred; go to God with it. We don't have to put on an act for God. We don't have to be in denial. We can embrace every part of ourselves and show it to God without holding anything back. God can take it. God understands. God knows. Trust God.

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. ~Isaiah 45:7 King James Version


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