I Found My Flag

I now understand and accept that I'm queer (genderqueer), and this is our flag. My preferred pronouns are thon/thons/thonself, but I don't expect everyone to use them for me. I used to think I was a gay male, transgender female, nonbinary and 2 spirit, but I see now how queer suits me best. I'm not gay because I don't just go for anyone who considers themself a man. I'm not a transgender woman because I don't actually see myself as a woman. I'm not nonbinary because I see myself belonging to the binary system as a male. I'm not 2 spirit because, although I'm part Kalinago (Carib), I don't follow the First Nations' traditions, and I don't see myself as having 2 spirits. Hence I'm happy to know that I specifically belong to the queer community.

P.S. In other words, I'm gay and a total bottom who's into younger, masculine, muscular guys who indentify with the sex they were assigned at birth, are total tops and basically dominant (daddies). So, this blog is kind of my personal ad.

P.P.S. To greater clarify: I'm a total bottom. I don't want to give it to anyone. I don't want you on it in any way. I don't want it from a strap-on. I don't want to smell a female nor female-to-male. Thus, I'm queer and a total bottom.


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