
I'm compelled to express this update on my life.

I'm fine.

Like most, I've seen the full video of the Oval Office event involving Zelenskyy, Trump, Vance and a douche reporter who was intentionally rude. I've also seen a few videos of Trump and Zelenskyy speaking afterwards about it to some degree. Here are my thoughts.

From most people's reactions, people appear to expect Trump to act like an influencer. He's a politician. The reporter who rudely, with intention to be rude, asked Zelenskyy, "Do you own a suit?", set the tone for the meeting. Trump should not have allowed that question; he has stopped reporters before for less.

Vance was scared that Zelenskyy's question, about what type of diplomacy can be used with Putin, would reveal that any type of diplomacy with Putin would be illicit. That's why Vance told Zelenskyy it was "disrespectful to litigate" the matter in front of American Media. Since when is litigating in front of the press disrespectful? When did we start negotiating with terrorists? Also, at the beginning of Zelenskyy's speech he said "thank you" twice. Vance would have noticed this if he had taken his head out of Trump's butt.

Zelenskyy could see through Trump's scheme to exploit Ukraine for their minerals. There would be security guarantees for the US if they worked on land already occupied by Russia. Trump could not force Zelenskyy to make the first concession; thus Trump failed. Trump always says, "If I were president..."... Well, he is president and nothing's happening. Trump's complaint about Zelenskyy saying, "Putin this..." and "Putin that..." sounds just like Trump saying, "Biden this..." and "Biden that..."

Next, Trump was offended that Zelenskyy wasn't impressed by his "wise-guy" lingo of playing with cards. That's when Trump raised his voice. Zelenskyy and Vance had spoken calmly throughout the meeting; it was only Trump who raised his voice loudly and aggressively. How come Putin always talks about his nuclear weapons, but Zelenskyy is the one accused of gambling with WW3? Did Trump tell Putin he was gambling with WW3? The meeting looked like two stupid bullies picking on the foreign kid in class who can't speak English very well. The "playing cards" analogy was inappropriate and quite stupid for a president to make.

Turning now to Zelenskyy, I've never agreed with his use of conscripts. In that regard, Zelenskyy and Putin are the same. I don't know how anyone can force others to die for their ideas. Life is more important. Zelenskyy has the attitude that he's already a member of NATO. Zelenskyy's attitude is: "You can't be involved in our elections, but you must be involved in our national security." Zelenskyy is absolutely determined to complete his mission, which seems to be making Ukraine a member of NATO, or guaranteeing some other form of national security. Zelenskyy has experience that Trump lacks, and vice versa. The leaders have never sounded more like just your average Joes.

On a different topic, I'm using a spirit ring, something like a ghost limb except it feels like actually wearing a ring, instead of a physical ring to assist in  my energy conversions. I've used something like this before, a psychic ring. It just appeared to me this morning. I call it a spirit ring because it seems completely spiritual. All previous spiritual events were required for its manifestation. I appreciate it, and I think it's permanent.

Thank you for allowing me to share this with you!

Blessed be,
Samuel Pope


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