Acting Like You Care

Apparently, I'm very convincing at acting like I care. It's always a surprise to people when I get tired of acting and show that I truly don't care. I just don't understand why people don't already figure out that it was only an act in the first place. Perhaps it's habitual for me to act like I care about things I don't truly care about because that's how I was brought up. My and my sisters' acting were what kept the peace in our home. I realize how we were always afraid and were required to act for our parent, otherwise be verbally and physically attacked. That was the past. Now I can choose how to act.

I like acting nice, so it comes easily for me. Yet, I must be mindful of acting nice out of fear of conflict when conflict is necessary due to me being treated unjustly. There are times I must be stern. At those times, I cannot act like I care about what they do, are doing, or will do (within context): it's not time for acting; it's time to be real.


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