The Elder Scrolls Online (part 2)

back to Skyrim

This game gives me mixed feeling, but overall its leaning towards being a good game. At times it can be frustrating. I found it necessary to adjust the controls and settings. There are times when I want to go a short distance on my map, but I end up on top of a cliff, or at a wall of rock, or some other dead end because of the layout and landscape. It's blatantly obvious the game was meant to appeal to mainstream heterosexual males: if you're not followed by a woman (including transwomen) then you're rescuing women and bringing them back to their wives, sisters or female lovers. This is an exaggeration, of course, but you get the point. It's like how I felt when I tried out the Star Trek Online game: I have no interest in commanding an all-female crew.  In The Elder Scrolls Online, I really like the exploration and abilities. There's so much you can do and you have a lot of freedom. I usually like playing solo. There are some areas that require a group/team due to the number of enemies around. To conclude, I find this game to be an improved version of Skyrim.


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