My Intention

I don't intend to show off when I blog about the computer games I play. I like to show how my computer displays because I'm proud of putting it together. I hope others enjoy seeing these games on my system with my settings.

On social media the other day I saw a video of a homeless guy starving on the street, then scrolled down to the next video of a gluttonous guy eating an oversized pastry and coffee. Some religious people think that God is happy blessing only them, and that they should be happy receiving God's blessings while others don't. That would make God sadistic. How can you enjoy your blessing while watching others suffer? Are we supposed to eat on display in front of our enemies like in Psalm 23:5? Isn't God's spirit being poured out on all flesh as in Acts 2:17? Hasn't Jesus saved the whole world according to 1 John 2:2? How can you enjoy Heaven knowing people are suffering in Hell? How can a loving parent who has power over Heaven and Hell do that to thon own children? Isn't it an unfit parent who would put thons child in danger? I believe the common interpretation of scriptures is wrong. God is love. If God is God then God can. (full stop) God has already saved us all according to God's plan.

There is a healthy jealousy that I sometimes feel towards the rich, but I truly feel more disgust for the people who show off their wealthy lifestyles while most people in the world are much worse off. I do recognize that there are philanthropists who do their best to do good, and I will not be judgmental about other people's lives. I hope that other people are not being judgmental about my own.


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