Day 2024-03-13

Good morning,

The ring and I have changed together, dare I say, grown together. On its own it feels stagnant. I took it off a couple times to readjust my energy flows during battle. The spiritual battle I'm referring to manifests for me as persistent attacks by malevolent spirits trying to change my energy flows, usually in a completely opposite direction. I keep my energies flowing optimally for my health and wellbeing.

I felt some anger this morning by the unrelenting narcissistic spirits whining for my energy as they mindlessly attacked. They don't reason. They're selfish. They only want what they want and do anything to get it. I had not too long ago adjusted my energies defensively for my protection. However, this morning I utilized the emotion and let go of inhibition. I knew how to adjust my energies offensively, weaponizing them, and I was now aware of very clear targets.

I suppose I needed to justify to myself, why I would do this. They weren't learning nor stopping what they were doing. They just kept attacking, trying to change my energy flow towards them so that they would have control. This helped me learn how to change my energies to be destructive towards them, and hurt them. It's as though I could make psychic blades using my energy, and basically stab them. This is why it feels deserving of an explanation.

Apparently, the current serious threats in the world are climate change, AI, totalitarianism and terrorism, which are all influenced by spirits, distinctly narcissism. This puts us all in the same spiritual battle, even if we're unaware. Have some spiritual ammunition: love, peace, joy, gratitude, prosperity, goodness, betterment, balance, stability, understanding, wisdom, holiness, godliness, security, power, health, wellbeing, strength, endurance, resilience, bravery, friendliness, beauty, immunity, care, fortitude, merit, humour, wholeness



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