
It's interesting how some bibles get things wrong, and how people believe and ignore whatever they want from them. Take this bible study about the chronological order of events at the last supper:'sSupper.htm. I find it interesting how some bibles have errored in their translations of the verb "ginomai". It's like introducing the new English word "homosexual" into the bible, like we're trying to be trendy. I think the tradition that Jesus told us to keep for Passover, the Lord's Supper, is the washing of each others' feet. He specifically told us to do so. So, instead of having a stale cracker and some grape juice in church, we should be getting our feet washed.

Who are chosen by God? I believe anyone who is alive has been chosen by God to exist, according to God's plan for existence. Thus, we are all chosen by God. I've met many people who disagree with this. They want to belong to an elite group of "the chosen few". They are always too prideful, arrogant, delusional and hypocritical. They're also liars who live in denial. What does God choose us for, or what does God choose us to do? Matthew 5:9 says blessed are the peacemakers; they will be called God's children. This lines up with other definitions of being chosen in the bible. Therefore, we are all chosen to make peace.



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