To Realize Your Thing

What's your thing? The thing that is most important for me, my survival, wellbeing and motivation, is the thing that I'm always aware of and figuratively on top of. I've seen others who have their own thing, something they do well, that's the focus of their lives and that they relatively enjoy, and I've wondered what my thing was. I had no idea for a while, but I know now that my thing is unique, and usually only noticed by myself. It's not something I can directly display to the world because it's mostly invisible. My thing is magic, but it's not performance magic; it's more of wizards' magic connected to the energies in nature. That's truly my thing. It's the one thing I always practise, and have succeeded in.

The spiritual dimension is oblivious to most and narcissistically interpreted by many. However, there are some who are humbly aware of the spiritual realm: the spirits in everything interacting with each other. My magic involves the spirit. I use my senses to be mindful of spiritual energies, and I sometimes hear spirits. I use spoken words, but mostly wield a magic ring as a tool in spiritual warfare. My power is the power of the Universe, The Holy Spirit and Lord Jesus. I've recently been reminded to always remember that I can never know it all.


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