The Spiritual Battlefront

God's Love.*

This is an interesting sermon. It's useful for focusing on the positive voices in our minds, especially when we're surrounded by negative voices coming from evil outside and around us. All the negative voices I hear do not come from myself.

Some observations regarding voices that I've noticed is when an insulting and hurtful thing is said by one evil spirit, another, or some others, repeat what was said. Sometimes they will say something that may sound okay, but it's meant to put you on a guilt trip. The great whore wants you to be turned on by her, and continually pushes herself on you so she can connect to the moment you've been aroused. She wants to control how you're turned on, and in doing so, she turns you off completely. She has the opposite effect of what she wants. If it were up to her, you would live your life without any excitement, always being turned off, and increasingly turned off by her at every moment.

Listen to the heavenly cheers, and know that there are earthly cheers for you as well. At least one of those cheers comes from me. If it weren't for all the pain and suffering, I think you'd have cheers from Hell as well. Speaking of which, scriptures say Hell is necessary to contain evil. It was meant for fallen angels (2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6, etc.). I don't believe Hell is meant for us, and if God is God, then God can prevent anyone from going to Hell. People always try to rationalize how God has "His" hands tied. My God, who is love, is greater than that. God is greater than our free will. God is greater than our understanding of love. God is greater than Jesus, and what Jesus did. God is greater than Satan. God is greater than Hell. God is greater than anything written about God, in any scriptures.**

Hell is for evil. If you are full of evil, then your evil will take you to Hell. You may spend an eternity there with evil, but God is greater than eternity. God can break through the gates of Hell and let you out. God loves us and God has already saved us all. Hell's fires may be the tool to save the innocent part of us, our eternal souls.

Psalms 139:8
(King James Version)
If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

ps. I have developed and practised observation skills, and I find it interesting how it wasn't until Pastor Osteen used the term "old goat" that he, himself, started appearing old.)

pps. The prayer to accept Jesus into your heart and become the lord of your life is controversial, in my opinion. Most people don't know what that means, and don't act accordingly. Ideally, one should have the heart of Christ Jesus, and make Jesus Lord of all spiritual practices after the declaration of that prayer. The prayer should be meaningful and not just repeated mindlessly. However, it does have power, magically or miraculously which I believe to be the same when founded on love. Thus, I'm not referring to evil magic. The miracles Jesus performed can be considered good magic. We're not supposed to highlight all the condemnation in the Bible, but rather the love. Saying this prayer involves your energy, body, mind, spirit and soul. That action sets spiritual/holy things in motion, regardless of what we think. The things we say effect reality similar to how the things we view effect reality. This brings us to the root of spiritual warfare. We manifest everything we think and say in alternate realities. Evil wants our power.

*This is meant as a friendly greeting and for you to think about God's Love, which can be the greater love that God has for us, and/or that God is in fact love itself.

**The Bible book of Psalms chapter 139 paints a good picture of God, yet still, God is greater. The end of that chapter (versus 19-24) shows how the author acknowledges their humanity. They see that they are not God, they are not perfect, and they don't have to be. They are exactly what God envisioned and created. This shows that God is greater than anything that can be written about God. God is greater than words.


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