The Great Whore (Revelation 17, Bible)

Chapter 17 of the Bible book of Revelation gives us a glimpse of the spiritual realm. Verse 8 explains how it is what is seen in the spirit. It's like another universe in our multiverse that's connected to our universe, but it's truly not physical; it's spiritual. Thus it is eternal, and not eternal, because there is no time with spirits. This is why it says in verse 8 that what John the Elder saw was, is not, and is about to be. He saw the spirits connected to Earth. This is achievable when the Holy Spirit is a combination of every spirit.

So, in the spiritual realm, there is a great whore who is drunk on the power of killing God's children, and everyone seems to obey her. That sounds right. The good news comes from the angel's attitude and the rest of the chapter. The angel is not worried. It's as though this is just a moment, and then this whore will be destroyed. It's like it was a painting created by spirits that we can look at eternally, but the spirits move on. Timelessness is a difficult concept.

Mindfulness is about the here and now, whereas meditation is about managing the mind. Here and now, I feel that I'm in a constant battle with the great whore and her subjects, spiritually, and I'm always victorious. It's sometimes at the last minute, or by a thread, yet it has always been, and will always be, a victory. Thank you Holy Spirit for always being greater.

God bless,

Blessed be.


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