
Showing posts from November, 2024

True Intentions

I intend to have an easy retirement. A good way to deal with the stuff going on with people of this world is to consider their true intentions. When it's hard to tell what's good or evil, focus on their intentions. I truly intend to love.

Sharing A Happy Moment

Life's interesting. I'm grateful. It's not so bad for me. I'm happy :)

I wish they could handle the truth

Cutting women out of your life is like plucking gray hairs. When you pluck one, three more show up in its place. A lot of times when I'm forced to come out to people who will never get it (they're unable to pick up on sarcasm or being patronized), and can't take a hint (because they interpret everything as: they're always right), they simply ignore what I've said to them and continue acting under their wishful assumptions that I'm straight. Maybe this is what people mean when they say I'm too nice.


Unreal Tournament 4 I'm glad there's a community that hasn't given up on Unreal Tournament.

Chapter 45 (cont'd)

I can't control it but I can use it, work with it. It takes mindfulness. It connects physically and emotionally to create stability, peace and wholeness. It's intriguing.

Chapter 45: A New Belief

I've accepted and embraced my primary connection as a power source. I suspected it before, but now I know it's true. Focusing energies on it is a new practice, which I don't think I was ready to do before. Thank God for this new belief.

Day 2024-11-08

Mindful of current and regional spacetime for contentment I succeed. Peace and thanks, acknowledging love and compassion, achieving fulfilment, being whole. Elohim, Council of God(s), I address you now.