
Showing posts from October, 2024

Demonic vs. Angelic Timing

In our Universe, timing is everything. Have you ever met anyone who persistently arrives at the perfect time to cause you more pain? They always appear in perfect timing to steal your happiness, kill your good mood, and destroy your peace.  Have you noticed when things work out in perfect timing for you, so that you could have a better life? It causes you to live a good life more abundantly. (John 10:10) ~Peace, wholeness, love, compassion, healing and good lives be ours. With gratitude, Amen.

Compassion Leads to Healing

I don't* think healing is compassion, but compassion inevitably leads to healing. *(sometimes we have to start with a negative in order to break through)

Everyone is Born in Innocence

How can I enjoy Heaven knowing that others like me are being tortured in Hell? How selfish! How does punishment teach anything if it goes on for eternity? What type of God would allow this? Compassion energy seems strongest. It's the only reason to fight for this world 🌎. As well, it works both ways: compassion for others = compassion for self. This is what makes this energy so powerful.

What I'm Currently Playing

My Review: ...ok