
Showing posts from August, 2024

I Identify as God's Child

Our God is not limited to what anyone (regardless of how ordained they are) writes about God. Our God is always greater. Our God can do anything, including find a better way to save the world. Our God does not have Thons hands tied because Thon gave us "free will". Our God does not require anyone to believe in Thon, nor any praise. Our God is not a stupid parent. Our God loves unconditionally . This means that we are not required to believe, pray a "sinner's prayer", repent, nor be saved to receive God's love. God does not discriminate. God loves the world. We are loved by God because we are all God's children.

Alignment and Energy Flows

There're times I've wielded my rings to align energy flows for optimal personal health and wellbeing. I'd adjust my ring to my finger so that it would be automatically aligned when wearing it. Yet, if I left it on for a while (a few days) it would end up being aligned in the complete opposite direction that I wanted, and had originally aligned it to. This has happened repeatedly. I decided to experiment with this. This time, I intentionally aligned my ring so that it was causing energy flows to be opposite to what I wanted. I predicted it would eventually change to the opposite of that, thus to the way I wanted. It worked! I find the energy is now more focused in and on myself: instead of feeling like I'm wielding a ring, I feel like I'm wielding myself. I'm the magical energy, and my rings just act like a bottle cap keeping things in.

More of Fallout 4 (mods)


Sharing a Good Moment

"I'm not okay, but I will be." (Shining like a star, the light you emit irradiates, destroys, dissolves and dissipates nearby evils while energizing everything else around you.)

It's not You, it's Me

I see now that it's all so personal. I align my energy for my health and wellbeing. When in a spiritual battle, I don't use my energy to change the enemy. The energies are used to change myself. This is how I'm victorious. Perhaps this works best because the true spiritual battle is within.

Day 2024-08-19

Expressing in words the magical energies, forces, flows, sensations and feelings from accumulated changes of fine-tuned alignments, necessarily acknowledges, relieves and honours the commitment and work required for this moment. Well done!

Fallout 4 (Revisited)

 ~modded edition

Acting Like You Care

Apparently, I'm very convincing at acting like I care. It's always a surprise to people when I get tired of acting and show that I truly don't care. I just don't understand why people don't already figure out that it was only an act in the first place. Perhaps it's habitual for me to act like I care about things I don't truly care about because that's how I was brought up. My and my sisters' acting were what kept the peace in our home. I realize how we were always afraid and were required to act for our parent, otherwise be verbally and physically attacked. That was the past. Now I can choose how to act. I like acting nice, so it comes easily for me. Yet, I must be mindful of acting nice out of fear of conflict when conflict is necessary due to me being treated unjustly. There are times I must be stern. At those times, I cannot act like I care about what they do, are doing, or will do (within context): it's not time for acting; it's time to b

Finding Pleasure

Feeling depressed. Sure, I have everything I need to conquer my reality, and I'm grateful, but why should I have to? What I truly desire, for all my life, is not attained. I recognize and identify this spirit, and this spiritual attack. I know I've never been more aligned to good than I am now, and the enemy is threatened by this. I can hear their frustration; it gives me pleasure.

Properties (not real estate)

What are your properties? What are the properties of those around you? Getting more personal, what are the properties of Christ Jesus? What are the properties of the devil? What are the properties of angels, demons and God? What are the properties of love?

Black Holes vs. Expanding Spacetime

Quantum mechanics and the Plank length need not apply with magical energies. Yet some properties remain such as the stability of mass and siphoning matter.

Elden Ring

  This is my first Souls game. I'll admit that it keeps me coming back to it. It's visually stunning. A still image doesn't give it justice as there's so much motion going on on-screen. It's like looking into a portal to a dream world. It really draws you in. Now... like a dream world, it can feel impossible to navigate. It's also very difficult; you die regularly. Yet, everything's so beautifully animated it keeps you coming back. It reminded me of Dragon's Lair, but it plays like a "rated R" Zelda game. It can get frustrating. I thought of using mods but decided not to, because the mods I've seen just seem to be more hassle. I don't see how I could have progressed without the helpful information from other gamers online (thanks), and continuously grinding to level-up my character. (the pic shows how far I got as of now) ps. I'm finding this more interesting than The Elder Scrolls Online due to the fact that I'm not forced to l

Putting Into Words

The energy travels like light through a medium, reflecting within the crystal, off the metal of which it has been set. It flows from within and around, connected to chosen benefits of health and wellbeing while wearing the ring. Thanks.