
Showing posts from March, 2024

The Next Step

You've been given a glimpse of your power, as everything being manifested with your every thought fades back into an unseen realm. The power you control is greater than you expected, greater than your enemy's. Your attacks feel like overkill, yet your power keeps increasing. You know you want to use this power for something else, something greater. You call out to God, Elohim! You know a fundamental change will occur as you call out once more, Elohim! You're shown your seat at God's council, Elohim, and welcomed to sit down as part of the Council of God. You feel your godliness and now know what to do with your power. Instead of attacking, you see your enemy as their innocent childhood selves. With your power you bring out that part of them, their seats on the council, and act on your feelings of compassion and love towards them.

Day 2024-03-28

It feels to be absorbing energies, perhaps to be used later. I appreciate the disconnection it now has from energy flows; it's different. It seems to be more connected to whatever I can think of, like the Green Lantern's ring. This requires a different energy in itself. However, it's better than the comic book hero's ring because it's always on auto-charge, like self-generating mana. I wonder when I'll need to use its energy.

Today's Morning Devotion for Our Spirits

According to there are 142 results for the word "abomination" in the King James Version Bible. Apparently the new, political, English word "homosexuality" that has been added to the modern translations of scriptures is not considered to be the only abomination. The Bible is full of good, helpful things, as well as some shit that people simply ignore: 1 Timothy 2:12-14. I believe all Christians pick and choose the Bible verses to believe that work well for them. I like chapter 23 of Matthew because Jesus talks about hypocrites. I wish today's pastors would preach about that chapter more often, but like the previous example, it just seems to be ignored. I've experienced being ignored many times when speaking the truth. I live by Matthew 5:9. "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." This gives us some leeway in what we do and say, as long as it's for peace. We need darkness to see the light. I t...

Love (part 2)

You were brought up in an environment where you were unable to be yourself. You couldn't develop like the majority of people in your society because you spent your childhood in survival mode. Now that you're older, you're afraid that being the way you truly feel will not be tolerated. However, you regularly conquer your fears, thus tolerate the way you truly feel. Is this love?

The Elder Scrolls Online (part 1)

There sure are a lot of Terms of Service to agree with. Basically, we own nothing.

What Social Media Has Taught Me

Almost everyone has an opinion, and people are okay with being actors in commercials.  

Have a Good Night!

Sincerely yours, Samuel

Day 2024-03-06, A Fresh Start

I believe I've made a final adjustment to my ring, so that now I can leave it on permanently. I've felt this way before. However, this is the first time there's ever been such a fundamental change. Thus, I believe I've made my last calibration. It's grown beyond energy flows: mine and the enemy's, while still aligned to remove unwanted energies and sickness. I enjoy working with it and I feel as though I'm starting over again in a new level that's higher and stronger than before.

Love (part 1)

Let's be real. We can calibrate love with hatred. Have you ever had things you hate about someone, but they have nothing they hate about you? Of course, you're much more likable than they are because you don't act as annoying as they do. However, imagine their perspective and that they're simply being themselves. They actually don't intend to be annoying. In fact it's obvious they just want to be loved. Is having pity for them the same as love? I like using 1 Corinthians 13 as a guide for what love is.

My Intention

I don't intend to show off when I blog about the computer games I play. I like to show how my computer displays because I'm proud of putting it together. I hope others enjoy seeing these games on my system with my settings. On social media the other day I saw a video of a homeless guy starving on the street, then scrolled down to the next video of a gluttonous guy eating an oversized pastry and coffee. Some religious people think that God is happy blessing only them, and that they should be happy receiving God's blessings while others don't. That would make God sadistic. How can you enjoy your blessing while watching others suffer? Are we supposed to eat on display in front of our enemies like in Psalm 23:5? Isn't God's spirit being poured out on all flesh as in Acts 2:17? Hasn't Jesus saved the whole world according to 1 John 2:2? How can you enjoy Heaven knowing people are suffering in Hell? How can a loving parent who has power over Heaven and Hell do tha...

Flowing Energy/Energies

I use the terms energy and energies interchangeably because that is how energy feels to me. It can feel like a single energy, or different energies flowing in a group. My energy is all connected to myself, and in that sense it's all the same, like my DNA (which is also a form of energy) I think of energy according to the physics definition while adding a spiritual element connected to the mind, psyche, sensations and emotions. I perform energy work according to the practice of mindfulness, yoga, DBT and personal spirituality, founded and expanded upon Christianity, in its own creed. I believe energy is magic and God is one and many like energy: Psalms 82:1 (Names of God Bible) "Elohim takes his place in his own assembly. He pronounces judgment among the gods:" God is in fact transgender: Genesis 1:27 "So Elohim created humans in his image. In the image of Elohim he created them. He created them male and female." I believe the focus of the Bible should not be sin...

Here's What Mods Get You

Cyberpunk 2077 (pc) p.s. If you play Nintendo Switch on a TV, I recommend this:

Day 2024-03-13

Good morning, The ring and I have changed together, dare I say, grown together. On its own it feels stagnant. I took it off a couple times to readjust my energy flows during battle. The spiritual battle I'm referring to manifests for me as persistent attacks by malevolent spirits trying to change my energy flows, usually in a completely opposite direction. I keep my energies flowing optimally for my health and wellbeing. I felt some anger this morning by the unrelenting narcissistic spirits whining for my energy as they mindlessly attacked. They don't reason. They're selfish. They only want what they want and do anything to get it. I had not too long ago adjusted my energies defensively for my protection. However, this morning I utilized the emotion and let go of inhibition. I knew how to adjust my energies offensively, weaponizing them, and I was now aware of very clear targets. I suppose I needed to justify to myself, why I would do this. They weren't learning nor sto...

The Imbalance of Good and Evil

In continuation of my last post, all things work together for good, according to Romans 8:28. Yet it goes on to say, for those who love God, are called and/or chosen by God. This is about perspective, as good and evil can only be. If we see the good, that is God, then all things for us work together for good (for God). If we narrow down to only look at evil, then we see how things only work together for evil (a part of God). We need to remain whole and look at the big picture. Let's look at the universe. It's said that the universe is neutral, but this is still a perspective. There is more good than evil in the universe. If there were more evil then nothing would exist. Things being here is better (more good) than things not being here. Therefore, because the universe exists, it is more good than evil. Same for us😁


It's interesting how some bibles get things wrong, and how people believe and ignore whatever they want from them. Take this bible study about the chronological order of events at the last supper:'sSupper.htm . I find it interesting how some bibles have errored in their translations of the verb "ginomai". It's like introducing the new English word "homosexual" into the bible, like we're trying to be trendy. I think the tradition that Jesus told us to keep for Passover, the Lord's Supper, is the washing of each others' feet. He specifically told us to do so. So, instead of having a stale cracker and some grape juice in church, we should be getting our feet washed. Who are chosen by God? I believe anyone who is alive has been chosen by God to exist, according to God's plan for existence. Thus, we are all chosen by God. I've met many people who disagree with this. They want to ...

In God We Trust

In this we have a choice. I say we take God out of the box and focus on all the scripture verses that say God is greater than anything we can imagine or understand God to be. Yes, God created evil. God knew it was going to be made and allowed it. God is responsible for evil as much as good. God's plan cannot be changed by us, regardless of any free will we may have, because God is greater. If we believe God is greater than anything and everything, including our own free will, then we can trust in God and be at peace in our lives. We know that God's love for us is always greater, despite how unfair life is. We use our faith and trust in God for us to move on. God can handle our anger and hatred; go to God with it. We don't have to put on an act for God. We don't have to be in denial. We can embrace every part of ourselves and show it to God without holding anything back. God can take it. God understands. God knows. Trust God. I form the light, and create darkness: I make...

Here's What I Do


Spiritual Attack Pattern Two

(you can use songs that connect with you)

Bible Thumpers

Why do they always ignore 1st Timothy 2:12-14? 1 Timothy 2:12-14  (New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition) 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent.  13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve,  14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Here are some chapters of the Bible that deserve more attention: Matthew 23 (verses 1-36) 1 Corinthians 13 My point is, the Bible is not supposed to be taken literally. Even Jesus spoke in parables. The message from the Bible is to love. Once we're making that effort, God is supporting our actions. P.S. Do I hate women? No. I've just encountered more female bullies than male. Many that I've met are too busy playing the victim that they don't see how they're patronized. Then they think they're superior. They don't see how people just give them what they want to get rid of them. The word "Karen" comes to mind. Aggressive wome...

Random Acts of Kindness with Wisdom

Exploitation begins at home. ~Ferengi Rules of Acquisition (Rule 110), Star Trek Voyager: False Profits Personal Comments I continually see the consistent evil that preys upon kindness. Bullies have a talent for finding the "pushovers", people who they can bully. They will take advantage of and abuse the people who are kind to them; this is an impartial observation and my experience. It's okay to stand up to bullies. Proverbs 6:16-19  (New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition) 16 There are six things that the Lord hates,     seven that are an abomination to him: 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue,     and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 a heart that devises wicked plans,     feet that hurry to run to evil, 19 a lying witness who testifies falsely,     and one who sows discord in a family.

I Found My Flag

I now understand and accept that I'm queer (genderqueer), and this is our flag. My preferred pronouns are thon/thons/thonself, but I don't expect everyone to use them for me. I used to think I was a gay male, transgender female, nonbinary and 2 spirit, but I see now how queer suits me best. I'm not gay because I don't just go for anyone who considers themself a man. I'm not a transgender woman because I don't actually see myself as a woman. I'm not nonbinary because I see myself belonging to the binary system as a male. I'm not 2 spirit because, although I'm part Kalinago (Carib), I don't follow the First Nations' traditions, and I don't see myself as having 2 spirits. Hence I'm happy to know that I specifically belong to the queer community. P.S. In other words, I'm gay and a total bottom who's into younger, masculine, muscular guys who indentify with the sex they were assigned at birth, are total tops and basically dominant...