
Showing posts from February, 2024

All That Practise, and No Dicipline

... (repeat)

Newness Acknowledgement

This personal road is traveled by me alone, yet it lies on our shared Earth, in our observable universe. Everything is different, even the things that are the same: they're held in consistency differently. Potentiality remains unknown. Actuality is directed spirituality. Our acknowledgement is that betterment actualize. So be it.

Spiritual Attack Pattern One

Don't use force. Know your makeup. Trust in the greater. Relax. Don't fight. Be at peace. Know that you're invaluable. Know that you are love. Be victory.

To Realize Your Thing

What's your thing? The thing that is most important for me, my survival, wellbeing and motivation, is the thing that I'm always aware of and figuratively on top of. I've seen others who have their own thing, something they do well, that's the focus of their lives and that they relatively enjoy, and I've wondered what my thing was. I had no idea for a while, but I know now that my thing is unique, and usually only noticed by myself. It's not something I can directly display to the world because it's mostly invisible. My thing is magic, but it's not performance magic; it's more of wizards' magic connected to the energies in nature. That's truly my thing. It's the one thing I always practise, and have succeeded in. The spiritual dimension is oblivious to most and narcissistically interpreted by many. However, there are some who are humbly aware of the spiritual realm: the spirits in everything interacting with each other. My magic involves t...

Happy Valentine's Day 💖

(Borderlands 3 ~this game is for adults only) WARNING: The above video is very brief and doesn't show much, but don't watch it if you don't want to see anything that may be considered spoilers! This game is rated as only for adults. Don't continue reading if you don't want to hear anything that may be considered spoilers! I just find it amusing that I'm spending Valentine's Day playing this game. I can still be a romantic person, even if I'm single: (I know that I truly haven't met the right guy yet, and my actions show that I'm still a caring person. I would like to meet someone who is okay with, and encourages me to be myself. That's my first priority, and I'm still waiting for it.) Now, regarding Borderlands... I couldn't resist the offer on Steam to get all the Borderlands games and DLC in one package, and save hundreds of dollars. I read some reviews, and the majority of gamers agree to play the games in order, but it's not n...

Self Care

You DO care about people, as much as you can. You may feel apathy, that you don't care, but your actions show that you do. Everything you are doing shows that you care. You care about people, and you care about yourself. p.s. You know you haven't met him yet.

You're Not Evil

Now it's time to trust your magical item. Know that it's perfectly calibrated yet can be adjusted if necessary, while being wielded. It has spiritual energy from yourself and the Universe. The spirit it has from the Universe can be no more evil than your own spirit. Trust yourself, trust God, and trust your item.

Evil is Dying

I like the expression, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." even if it wasn't said by Mahatma Gandhi. We can be the way we wish the world was; I can act like the world is the way I wish it was. And why not? Just because the world is not that way, why can't we be? We don't have to be the way the world is. We can be the way we want, regardless the way the world is.

The Spiritual Battlefront

God's Love.* This is an interesting sermon. It's useful for focusing on the positive voices in our minds, especially when we're surrounded by negative voices coming from evil outside and around us. All the negative voices I hear do not come from myself. Some observations regarding voices that I've noticed is when an insulting and hurtful thing is said by one evil spirit, another, or some others, repeat what was said. Sometimes they will say something that may sound okay, but it's meant to put you on a guilt trip. The great whore wants you to be turned on by her, and continually pushes herself on you so she can connect to the moment you've been aroused. She wants to control how you're turned on, and in doing so, she turns you off completely. She has the opposite effect of what she wants. If it were up to her, you would live your life without any excitement, always being turned off, and increasingly turned off by her at every moment. Listen to the heavenly che...



The Great Whore (Revelation 17, Bible)

Chapter 17 of the Bible book of Revelation gives us a glimpse of the spiritual realm. Verse 8 explains how it is what is seen in the spirit. It's like another universe in our multiverse that's connected to our universe, but it's truly not physical; it's spiritual. Thus it is eternal, and not eternal, because there is no time with spirits. This is why it says in verse 8 that what John the Elder saw was, is not, and is about to be. He saw the spirits connected to Earth. This is achievable when the Holy Spirit is a combination of every spirit. So, in the spiritual realm, there is a great whore who is drunk on the power of killing God's children, and everyone seems to obey her. That sounds right. The good news comes from the angel's attitude and the rest of the chapter. The angel is not worried. It's as though this is just a moment, and then this whore will be destroyed. It's like it was a painting created by spirits that we can look at eternally, but the sp...

In My Society, Men and Women are Equal

I’m Canadian. I was born and raised in Toronto. English is my first language. I’m gay. I’m the woman. I did not say, "I'm trans. I’m a woman." I said, "I’m gay. I’m the woman." I truly don’t see myself as a woman. I see myself as a man who’s gay. If I want to be trendy with the current trans lingo, where every feeling we have for a person is a gender, then my gender is female. I never grew up believing that my gender is what I feel that I am, in my heart, and that it’s determined by society. In my society, men and women are equal. People have their own preferences and tastes, but the roles of men and women in this society are the same. Thus, according to the new definition of gender, which states that gender is determined by societal roles, my gender is non-binary. I don't see why transgender ideals need to tread on homosexuality. Homosexuality always involved same sex relations. It's common now for transgender to say they're gay because they have ...

A Fresh Start

I remember, for my high school English class, I had to keep a journal. It was required for me to write one page everyday. I found that difficult to do. I couldn't come up with one full page of text to write. Imagine if you could keep a daily journal/diary that could be however long you wanted. It could be one sentence, a statement, one word or even a picture. For your wellbeing, I encourage you to keep a daily journal. You can simply jot down what you've done/are doing today. It can be a record of your life, daily drawings, prayers, a fictional story, poetry, nonsense, whatever! Simply release your energy as an expression of yourself. All the best!